
Video Series on Alternative Remuneration in Belgium – Video 3 / 8 : Vouchers

2 August 2016

In this video series on alternative methods of remuneration in Belgium we at Besox want to support you as employer to optimize your payroll.

Video 3 : Vouchers

In Belgium there is a whole series of vouchers which you can give for various reasons to your employees, in most cases and under certain conditions fully exempt of social security but usually not deductible.

For this form of alternative remuneration we at Besox like to work together with Monizze, seeing as they deliver the best price per service in Belgium. However if you prefer working with another partner we can also arrange this for you.

  • Meal vouchers

Not all companies are in the position to offer their employees meals in a company restaurant. An alternative is an intermediation in the cost price of a meal by granting meal vouchers.

The maximum value is 8 € per working day with a minimum intermediation of 1,09 € per day by the employee. Meal vouchers are not to be cumulated with a company restaurant, unless the employee does not take meals there.

Meal vouchers have to be given to all personnel or a category thereof, are exempt of social security (if awarded via a collective or individual agreement) and they are deductible for 2 € per working day (the administrative fees are 100% deductible)

  • Eco vouchers

For purchasing ecological goods and services, an obligation in most sectors, but you can also voluntarily grant your employees this benefit.

You can grant eco vouchers for a maximum of 250 € annually per employee, they are exempt of social security (if awarded via a collective or individual agreement) and are non-deductible (the administrative fees are however 100% deductible)

  • Gift vouchers

This consists of a small amount granted as a result of a certain occasion, namely for

  • Saint Niclaus, Christmas & New Year : maximum 40 € per employee per year, this may be increased by 40 € for each dependent child of the employee
  • An Honourable distinction : maximum of 120 € per employee per year
  • A Pension : 40 € per year of service with a minimum of 120 € and a maximum of 1000 €
  • A Marriage : maximum 245 €
  • A Seniority bonus : maximum twice per employee’s career, the first no earlier than for 25 years of service (maximum of 1 time gross wage), and a second for 35 years of service (maximum of 2 times gross wage)
  • A Special occasion : maximum 50 € per year (for example: a jubilee of the firm, a fire at home)

Gift vouchers are exempt from social security and are deductible if all employees enjoy the same benefits, the seniotiry bonus however is non-deductible.

  • Cultural- and sports vouchers

This consists of offering free, or at reduced price, cultural event or sporting facilities. This advantage may not be more than 100 € per calender year.

These vouchers have to be given to all personnel or a category thereof, are exempt of social security (if awarded via a collective or individual agreement) and are non-deductible.

Thank you for your attention, for more information contact your payroll advisor.
